Affiliate Marketing – A Quick Guide for Beginners

affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. You don’t need to have a website, stock any inventory, or even process orders. The only thing you need to do is market affiliate products and direct people to the seller’s website.

How to Find Products to Promote

There are plenty of websites and manufacturers who are looking for affiliates to promote their products and services. If you really think about, affiliate programs are the great way for you to make money while promoting other people’s products. The only thing you need to do is find some products that are related to your interests and areas of expertise.

You really need to be passionate about the products so that you can truly put your heart into promoting them. There are plenty of affiliate marketing opportunities available on the internet. Just head over to your favorite search engine and put in your area of interest with the word “affiliate” added to it.

For example, if you are interested in health products just put “health + affiliate” and you will find many services and individual website that offer affiliate programs. Another great way to find affiliate program is by heading over to This website has thousands of digital products such as e-books and helps guides for you to promote.

How to Market Affiliate Products

Marketing affiliate products are very easy especially if you are just starting out. The best and fastest way is to create a YouTube video reviewing the product. The most important thing is, to be honest in your review. Try not to sound like you are trying to sell this product but simply reviewing and recommending the product or service.

In addition to reviewing the product, allow people to click on the link in the description of the video so that they can learn more. Now here is the trick! The link in the description is your affiliate link. This allows the seller to track who referred to their site and how many items were sold from the referred link.

Another way to promote affiliate programs is to write articles about products and posting them to article directories. Once again, give an overview of the product and allow people to learn more by clicking on your affiliate link. Article marketing is a great way to get the word out and position your message in front of thousands of people who can potentially stumble upon your review.

Social Media Marketing

In addition to promoting through content and videos, another way to let everyone know about the products is through social media. Let’s say that you have 500 Twitter followers. When you let them know about a new and existing product, those who buy the product through your affiliate link will make you money. Another way to notify your followers is on Facebook and other social networks.

Affiliate marketing has got to be one of the easiest ways to make money online, especially if you are a beginner. There are no products to buy, maintain or manage and you can easily market your affiliate products through videos, articles, and social media.