The Time It Takes To Build A Website From Nothing

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The truth is, a website is never really “done”–not if you’re doing it right. You build up to a “cruising altitude” of website design which allows for continuous forward upgrade as necessary.

Considering Multiple Variables

How long it takes for you to build a website from scratch will depend on a number of unique features. For example, the complexity of the site you’re trying to design, how modern it is, how often it needs to be updated, what sort of interactiveness you’re looking to apply, and other associated factors.

The reality is, you could conceivably design a website from scratch in minutes, with proper money and resources. But the quality of that site, and its abilities, will certainly be limited. It’s one of those things where, to a certain level, you get out what you put in. Now realistically, to be viable, you need to spend about three and a half months, or fourteen weeks, on a site.

This fourteen week figure is according to Bill Erickson, a freelance WordPress developer. As noted, there will be varying things which influence how long it takes for your website to be developed. Here’s what makes the most sense: outsource its creation.

Putting The Best People On The Job

You want to have people design your site who know the latest tricks and tips, and can get things “humming” quickly, and in a way that gives you access in the future. You don’t even have to have people design it who are local to your area. With cloud apps like, you can track their time and cover payment legitimately, quickly, simply, and affordably.

There are a lot of design apps facilitated via the cloud out there, and if you’ve got enough acumen, you might be able to put a couple of them to work for you as you design your site. Additionally, if you go such a route, you want to use cloud monitoring software.

Keeping Pace With The Changes

Here’s one of the biggest difficulties with managing a website: it turns out that such online platforms aren’t “static”. All around, the web is in constant flux. Cloud computing has lead to IoT, and now IoT is leading to AR, or Augmented Reality. The Internet of Things is essentially everywhere already. Very soon it will even invade our lives away from computers through AR.

While we’re not quite there yet, what needs to happen is continuous monitoring design to ensure compliance. Additionally, you’ve got to update in order to match existing trends. For example, the aforementioned mobile situation. Nowadays, people spend more time on the internet through IoT devices like smartphones than through traditional desktop user portals.

Your website needs to be configured for mobile interface. There are a lot of “moving parts”, to use a turn of phrase, in this area. If you’re going to find the right balance, you’ve got to know what they are, and how relevant they are to your site. Apps and widgets are still a pretty big thing. Mobile apps downloadable from varying play stores on Apple and Android devices are much like business cards today: you’re basically expected to have one.

All those things being said, once you’ve got a website built, and you’ve put a management paradigm in place which allows you to update it as necessary, identify pernicious issues, and repair them as possible, your next step will be establishing forward innovation protocols. Essentially, you’ve got to be able to “pivot” when the time comes.

Continuous Site Management

Modern best practices specify continuous update and remodel of diverse websites. That is to say, you don’t set aside a time every couple of months or years to update your site; you just keep bettering it with little changes whenever the need arises. You probably won’t have to do this daily, but you might want to.

The most professional websites have teams of tech personnel who understand the market, and strive to keep pace with it as best they can going forward. This takes time, this takes effort, and it takes resources. What are all these pieces of information leading to? Essentially, the question of how long it takes to build a website is a trick.