34 On-Demand Service App Ideas to Start Business in 2024

On-Demand Service App Ideas

Many entrepreneurs are searching for on-demand service app ideas to start a new venture. It is a really profitable idea to offer instant services for users real-time needs. These apps simplify people’s daily tasks and offer personalized experiences.

Busy people use on-demand apps to easily get what they need at their preferred location. These apps are popular because they are convenient and can boost business growth and ROI. They offer quick services, allowing users to order essential items and have them delivered to their doorstep in minutes.

Businesses are looking to expand by creating on-demand apps, which can be very profitable. However, developing these apps requires creativity and knowledge of market standards.

A business owner can connect users directly by offering on-demand service app. Customers can install it and use the service directly by clicking a few buttons.

These apps can save you time, as all you need is an app for your mobile or the internet. In this age, almost everyone has a smartphone.

Many service providers can present themselves on the market through an app. The customer can also directly request the service at any time. The offline methods will be eliminated.

According to the survey, 45% of adults use on-demand service app for their on-demand needs.

This blog will discuss 30+ on-demand service app ideas to start new venture or grow your existing business. Let’s begin.

34 On-Demand Service App Ideas to Start Business

There are still problems for some people in certain fields because no apps or services are available On-Demand. If you’re thinking about launching or introducing a marketplace application to boost your earnings, then this article will be very helpful to you. I have listed 35 On-Demand App Ideas that you can start and grow.

On-Demand Laundry App

Some people use laundry services to clean their clothes because they like to have neat, clean clothes.

If you are attending a party, but your maid has not washed your clothes, you still want to wear your favorite pants to this event. Is there a solution to this problem?

What if you could hire and check out any registered or verified service through an app that was launched? You can also choose your own time. For example, if you need your pants within 30 minutes, you can select the required time and then check the available options.

If you’re considering starting a business, you could launch an app for Laundry Booking On-Demand. You can provide a platform for different holders to register and present themselves online. The customer can then check reviews and choose the best one to hire. It will boost your profits.

On-Demand Security Guard App

Security is a very serious issue, whether it’s online or offline. We will now discuss offline security services.

We don’t easily trust anyone today because of increased crime and security. Nowadays, everyone wants security for his home, place of residence, event or club. How can you find genuine security guards to protect your property or yourself?

What if you could hire experienced and professional security personnel directly through an on-demand app? It would be great if a platform were created where people looking for jobs as security guards could create their profiles. This app allows security agencies to create their own profiles. Admin verifies all users before they register.

In-app communication allows people to hire security guards according to their needs. This app allows them to hire a security officer for a day or a lifetime.

On-Demand Doctor Booking App:

In the modern world, taking care of your health is important. Today, everyone is so busy earning money that they hardly have time to care for their health or themselves.

Take a scenario. You fall sick in the middle of the night and start to get a headache that is difficult to bear. You cannot drive or go to a nearby hospital for an examination. If you are in this situation, you should use an app that allows you to book a doctor on-demand. It will allow you to contact the doctors directly. You can consult a doctor anytime via a voice call, video chat or call. Describe your problem and get the prescription as quickly as possible.

You can connect to the doctor without having to visit any location. You can call them from your home if there is an emergency. This platform allows doctors to showcase their expertise and assist people via online consultation. People also enjoy apps that allow them to directly consult an expert about their problem without visiting anywhere.

On-Demand Taxi App

A marketplace app is similar to an Uber app. It allows users to hire a taxi directly for long or short trips.

If you are considering starting a business that provides the same service as Ola and Uber, you could introduce an on-demand taxi booking app. This would allow people to book their time slot and pay in advance through an online payment method.

You can create an app like Uber or OLA to start a business. It will allow other drivers to register and offer services to people in the area if needed. You only need to verify drivers if you are an admin.

On-Demand Tutors App

Parents are working harder to find the right institutes or teachers for their kids as the education system continues to improve. Parents are worried about their children’s educational needs because their children’s future depends heavily on education. They also have a busy schedule and lack time to teach their children.

Parents want a tutor or institute that is well-versed in the subject and can teach their children nicely. You may also be a parent and face the problem of finding the right tutor for your child. To solve this problem, an on-demand tutor hiring application can be developed. This platform allows tutors to add their expertise, create a profile, and present themselves. Parents can choose and communicate directly with the tutors they want for their children.

You can create an app that allows parents to connect directly with the best tutors.

On-Demand Psychologist App

Every age group is affected by depression, stress, and anxiety. Every group of people is suffering from these issues as the workload increases.

The competition among students and teenagers is growing every day. Students are under pressure to achieve high marks to stand out. It can lead them to depression. In this modern age, youths are pressured to earn money to survive.

People find it hard to find psychologists as consultants. So, make their lives easier by creating an app that allows psychologists to create an account whenever they need a consultant or psychologist directly hired by the app.

On-Demand Courier Delivery App

As a messenger service, you will help people move their belongings from one location to another. Imagine that today is your cousin’s birthday, 50 km from home. In the evening, there will be a party held at his place. You suddenly find that your workload has increased, and you can’t attend your cousin’s birthday party. You still want to give him the gift and make his day.

How will you manage? You can solve this problem by using an on-demand service. Create your account, and then post the details of your delivery request with the destination. A courier service agency or a part-time delivery man can register to provide services to users by picking up their items from their office and delivering them to the correct destination on time.

The business owner who provides this service may introduce it or offer a platform for part-time workers to earn money while providing service.

On-Demand Pizza Delivery App

You must provide this app to your customers if you own a pizza shop or restaurant. It will allow your customers to enjoy their pizza without having them visit the restaurant.

With the on-demand delivery app, users can order pizzas from anywhere. The pizza will be delivered within 20-30 minutes. By introducing such services, owners can maximize profits as their app reaches and is used by over a thousand users.

On-Demand Consultation App

Today, everyone seeks consultants for every aspect of their lives, from starting a business to buying a new product. It would be best to always have expert advice to make decisions and predict the future when starting a new project or getting stuck.

There are many online consulting services, but no way to directly connect with an expert and get advice. A new platform, such as an app for on-demand consultations, can be created. You can consult about anything by registering on such an app.

This type of app contains well-defined categories for every field and experts’ contact information. This app simplifies the work and makes it easy for users to find experts for any issue.

On-Demand Car Service App

It is difficult to do offline car servicing because you have to find the best service center, drop off your vehicle there, and pick it up after the servicing. Some service agencies don’t do any servicing, but you still have to pay for it because you can’t be there.

The second problem that people face is when their vehicle stops mid-trip at an unknown place. It isn’t easy to locate a shop that offers car service. What would happen if a car service app was introduced? You can hire any service in any location, whether you know it or not.

Check the reviews and make a decision based on them. You can watch the video on the car service app you hired. They will also send the video to you if needed. They can ask in-app if they wish to replace a damaged part. You can then accept or refuse.

This app is a great way to help car service providers expand their business and increase profits.

On-Demand Mobile Repair Service App

Finding a mobile repair shop within your budget, near your location, and that repairs your phone brand can be difficult.

What if all mobile repairers were given an online platform to create their accounts and describe their services in detail with a rough cost estimate, and people looking for mobile repair services could compare the services and the budget? It makes it easier for the user to choose their preferred shops.

You can make money by offering a mobile repair service On-Demand.

On-Demand Cleaning Service App

You and most people do not have the time to clean your house. No one in the present day is trustworthy, so they don’t want to hire anyone for cleaning. What is the best way to hire reliable people and let them into your home?

There is a solution to this problem. Someone could launch an app for On-demand Cleaning Services, where cleaning agencies and individuals can register after being verified by the admin. You can then hire cleaners whenever you want.

On-demand apps like this are in high demand, so you may want to consider it if you’re considering starting a new business.

On-Demand Photographers App

It isn’t easy to find professional photographers for any occasion or function. It is important to preserve and capture all of the memories with technology. To make it happen, we need to hire a professional with a high-resolution camera who is experienced in capturing important moments.

It isn’t easy to find the perfect photographer. So, creating a platform where all photographers can create a profile is better. They can also add their clicked pictures for reference and an approximate package. Users can hire and check according to their preferences.

On-Demand Load Transfer App

It isn’t easy to transfer heavy loads, especially in the industrial area. It would be best if you had an item loader for this. Finding a vehicle to load our own belongings that we wish to move is difficult in industrial areas.

It would be great if an app called Load Transfer were introduced, which allowed people to hire loaders on-demand to load and move their belongings from one location to another. Through this platform, those who provide the service of load, but are new in this field, can easily present themselves to people.

On-Demand Multiple Service App

It is the digital age, and most people are establishing a direct digital connection with their customers through their websites and mobile applications. However, some services do not have an online platform. It makes it difficult for customers to find a real expert or person for any service.

What if there was a platform that offered a variety of services? All services would be categorized in a way that is easy to use and convenient for the users.

You can offer such apps if you want to start a business. All you need to do is collaborate with service providers and get everyone on the same platform to make it easier for your target audience.

On-Demand Plumbing Service App

Imagine that your water supply is backed up in the morning, and you are hosting a party at noon. You have an event at home, and you need to prepare for it. It includes catering, arrangements, and other preparations. Your plumber is away. There is only one solution: hiring a new plumbing company. It can be a very time-consuming process.

What if, in such a case, you had an app that would allow you to hire a professional plumber within an hour by simply tapping on it?

Here I am referring to the launch of an on-demand plumber hire. By using an app where plumbers can sign up and, if needed, someone can hire them after reading the reviews.

On-Demand Electricians Hiring App

Electricity is a necessity in the modern world. Electricity is a great source of entertainment, comfort, transport, and more. It’s impossible to imagine a world without electricity.

These things will also need servicing at some point. Finding an experienced electrician to assist you with a specific device issue is difficult.

This problem can be solved by introducing a platform for the on-demand hiring of electricians, where users can hire an electrician anytime and for any problem. You can maximize your profits if you own an electrician service agency.

On-Demand Babysitter App

Parents are so busy making money that they don’t have time to spend with their babies. They hire a babysitter to take care of their child as a mother.

Women mostly perform this job. According to the survey, genuine women or people aren’t getting jobs as genuine babysitters. People face another problem when their babysitters go on a mini-vacation. They want to hire someone quickly but can’t find anyone suitable.

How can we bridge the gap between parents and babysitters? When an on-demand app for babysitters is launched, babysitters can create a profile and provide some personal information. Parents can then search for and hire babysitters when they need a sitter.

The admin must verify both parties’ profiles. To start a business, you can connect more than 1,000 babysitters to needy parents.

On-Demand Luxury Car Booking App:

A luxury car is out of reach for middle-class families. People don’t want to purchase a luxury vehicle for one day. They rent the car instead of buying it from people with a luxury vehicle or an agency that rents luxury cars with drivers.

Finding such agencies and individuals is a real pain. You can rent or book a vehicle online, just like you do with the online booking system. We got the idea to launch an on-demand Luxury car booking app by which people could rent their car and, if needed, contact the owner directly. This platform connects luxury car owners with people interested in renting a luxury vehicle for 1-2 days.

On-demand Gym Coach Hiring App

You may want to hire a personal trainer at home if you have a holiday for a month or are on leave from work or your business. What do you choose?

In most cases, people will find someone offline by contacting their friend or colleague to request a reference. Do you think it’s a waste of time? You waste half your time searching for a trainer.

An on-demand gym coach can solve this problem. Gym teachers can create a profile, add their expertise, and then when someone needs a coach; they can search and find the right coach. Depending on their preference, they can hire the coach for a short or long time.

On-Demand Massage Service App

People prefer to have a massage at home rather than go to a spa. Urban Clap offers massage services at home when the customer chooses.

About Urban Clap, a marketplace application can be created whereby massages and part-time masseuses can create their profiles. People can then hire massage as they need them at any time. Messages that are available during the specified time can contact people.

On-Demand Water Delivery App

Water is a basic necessity and is needed everywhere. You can arrange a party or an event at your home, and you must provide enough water for the event.

Sometimes your predictions of the number of water bottles are wrong. You want to order more, but finding a water delivery service isn’t easy. An app that delivers water On-Demand can help solve this problem.

This app allows users to order water directly from the water provider, and the business owners can help them directly by providing the water they need.

On-Demand Medicine Delivery App

Many people take medicines every day, such as those with diabetes, high blood pressure, or low blood pressure and others.

You have completed your course of medicine, but there is no medicine shop nearby to buy it from, or the shop has closed for some reason. How are you going to finish your medicine course now?

What if there was an app that allowed you to order medicine and have it delivered right to your home? It is possible with an on-demand delivery app that allows you to order and buy the medicine required.

This platform is also helpful to medicine stores that want to maximize their profits and reach as many customers as possible online.

On-Demand Food Delivery App

The food Industry is the most popular. People find it difficult to spend time in a food court or restaurant for lunch or dinner. People like to get their favorite food delivered to their door from their favorite restaurants.

Markets like Swiggy or Zomato provide a platform for many restaurants to present themselves to customers. It also offers many options to the users that they can review the food list and then order after analysis.

You can launch a similar app to Zomato and Swiggy or work with a small food startup. Make money by launching your own on-demand food delivery app.

On-Demand Fuel Delivery App

You can introduce an app that delivers fuel on-demand if you’re considering launching a new On-Demand App Idea. These apps are generally used to deliver fuel On-Demand.

Most people have a problem when their vehicle runs out of fuel in the middle of a trip. People are often unaware of their surroundings and find it difficult to locate fuel services.

To solve this problem, a Fuel-on-Demand app could be developed. Using the app would allow anyone who needs fuel to easily get it.

On-Demand Health Checkups App

A health checkups app on-demand is an application that provides all types of services for medical tests. Many people visit hospitals for small medical tests, which can be time-consuming.

An on-demand health checkups app can be developed to save time. Apps like this are very useful for people, as they can hire a lab technician to perform a medical exam at home.

On-Demand Gift Delivery App

At present, an app that delivers gifts On-Demand is very useful. People forget the special occasions of their loved ones because of their busy or hectic schedules. They forget to send the perfect present to their loved ones because they lack time.

An On-Demand Gift Delivery app can be developed to help these people. As its name implies, this type of app provides gift delivery services for people who have failed to deliver gifts.

The Gift Delivery App helps users to send their gifts at the right time.

On-Demand Grocery Delivery App

There are many On-demand Grocery Delivery Apps available on the market today. These apps allow you to purchase groceries at selected stores and then deliver them to your home.

Grofers, the most popular on-demand grocery delivery application, offers its users a variety of options for buying and delivery services. The market is ripe with On-demand app concepts.

You can choose an on-demand grocery app to help you generate maximum revenue if you’re thinking about launching any app ideas.

On-Demand Salon Appointment App

Users can now easily access services online via their smartphones. The on-demand Salon Appointment App is designed for those who do not like to wait in line at the salon.

As a new idea for an On-Demand app, you could launch a Salon Appointment App in the market. When people need a Salon App, they can book and receive the service at their convenience.

On-Demand Pest Control App

All people use pest control or pest services because insects, animals or bugs that live in people’s homes or offices can cause damage to important items.

An On-demand pest controlling app could be developed to help these people. It would allow them to easily purchase the necessary pest control and protect their home or office from damage.

On-Demand Flower Delivery App

The On-Demand Flower Delivery App is used to buy flowers and send them to special people on special occasions. People often refer to sending flowers or Bouquets when deciding on a gift.

Using the On-Demand Flower Delivery app, users can check out a variety of bouquets or flowers. Users can buy flowers and bouquets and surprise their loved ones.

On-Demand Computer Technicians App

When you have problems or errors with your computer, it is very hard to find a technician. Currently, it is tough to find a good computer technician.

To eliminate this problem, an On-Demand Computer Technician Hiring App could be launched where users can hire the best technician when needed. Both large and small businesses can use the app, as they will need a computer tech at some point.

On-Demand Milk Delivery App

Every household has milk. People buy it almost every day. Milk is available at local dairies near the homes of every person.

An app that delivers milk On-Demand can be created to make their job easier. Users can order their milk from local grocery stores or diaries and deliver it directly to their homes.

On-Demand Vehicle Services App

Your vehicle may be damaged on the side of the road due to an accident or other problems. It isn’t easy to find a mechanic who can service or repair your vehicle within a short time.

An app that provides on-demand vehicle repair/services can be developed to overcome this problem. The user can hire a mechanic near them whenever their vehicle has problems.

Final Verdict

In the digital world, people are demanding instant services at home, office, or on-road assistance. You can order food online and receive it quickly or book a cab to get to your destination. Everything is available at your fingertips.

On-demand apps are the key to business growth and expansion, for both small and large companies. Consider saving this blog to find the best on-demand service app idea for your new venture.

If you are planning to build your own on-demand service app to expand your business reach. Then you should contact an app development company. They will guide you through the process and necessary features and functionalities of on-demand service app.