5 Essential Steps Women Should Take in Pre-Divorce Preparations


Getting divorced was something you probably never thought you’d have to face. But now you’re presented with this difficult hurdle in your life, you’ve probably got a whole host of questions you want answering.

Below, we’ll talk you through 5 key steps that you should make throughout these proceedings:

Hire an Expert

When you decide to leave your partner, it’s crucial you talk to a specialist as soon as you can. Divorce lawyers are experts in the field and will be able to help ensure you’re taken care of throughout your divorce, especially financially.

They can also advise of any potential complications that may arise throughout the proceedings and how best to tackle these. Make sure that you hire the best contested divorce attorney in Houston to make filing a divorce case a success.

Get Everything Together

To help your divorce lawyer, and to help you process everything as well as possible, start getting all your paperwork organised. This includes gathering all the information on your finances.

You should make an inventory of your assets and possessions alongside any debts you and your husband may have, e.g. a mortgage, loans and credit cards. Also, ensure you have copies of pertinent documents like the deeds to your house. Men’s group can help you to get everything together.

Open a New Account and Start Saving

Divorce proceedings can be quite costly, which is why it’s important to prepare yourself financially for this – and for your living expenses.

It’s a good idea to set up a new account in your name (if you haven’t already got one), as well as individual accounts for your credit card and savings. This will provide private funds that only you can access, with a credit card being handy if your spouse chooses to freeze your assets.

Once open, start putting money away as often as possible. This is particularly important if your husband doesn’t know you’re planning this divorce. They may lock up your finances to try and make it incredibly challenging for you to hire a top-notch lawyer and keep on top of any bills you may have.

Change Your Will

You won’t want your ex-husband to be able to take control of your finances, which is why you should change your will as soon as possible. Your divorce lawyer should be able to advise you on this and will be able to help make those changes so your ex doesn’t inherit all your assets should the worst happen.

Talk to Your Partner

Even though this is an incredibly difficult time for you both and there may be a few things said that are hurtful and spiteful, talking to your partner about your desires for a divorce is important.

An amicable divorce, if possible, is always the best way forward as this allows you to communicate openly about finances and personal aspects so you both come out of this with what you want.

When any marriage comes to an end, there are numerous things to take care of. But try not to let your emotions take over and ensure you have all of the practicalities in place from the offset.