The Drawbacks of The FUT Hair Transplant

hair transplant

The FUT is a method of hair transplantation which was developed in the 1990s as an improvement over the procedures that were done up until that time. This was the precursor to the development of the much improved FUE procedure which is more commonly done today and generally gives better results.

The FUE is much less invasive and produces very little scarring. This method is also more modern and gives a more realistic and natural looking hairline.

There are many drawbacks to the FUT even though it may be a cheaper procedure to have done compared with the FUE or DHI methods that are available for hair transplantation.

Drawbacks to the FUT hair transplant procedure

One of the disadvantages of the FUT method is that it leaves a visible scar. This is because of the way the procedure is done. It involves the cutting out of a strip of hair, usually from the back region of the head. This produces a noticeable and very visible scar on the scalp, which is not something that most people want to have especially if they want their hair to be short.

The FUT in many ways is a more invasive procedure than the FUE which in turn increases the risk of various complications, including the risk of infection. The region may also become quite inflamed due to removing the piece of scalp tissue. 

Another possible complication is that nerves in the scalp may be cut during the procedure which then can lead to a loss of sensation in the scalp.To read more about the disadvantages of the FUT method of hair transplantation you can visit the website

Would the FUE be a better option?

For many people the FUE is likely to be the better choice since it has many advantages over the FUT. In fact, it is much less invasive and you are not left with a large visible scar where the hair is removed from the head.

Individual units of hair follicles are extracted and implanted.Only a few hairs are harvested at a time unlike the FUT where an entire piece of scalp with hair follicles attached, is removed.

The risk of complications is much less with the FUE because a large piece of tissue is not cut out of the scalp. This also means that there is less bleeding and less inflammation. The odds of a person getting an infection, is also greatly reduced in the FUE method when compared with the FUT method. This is because the procedure is less invasive.

However, the one drawback with the FUE is that it is likely to cost more and may be a longer procedure. The benefits over the FUT do outweigh the disadvantages though and so it is probably going to be your best option for achieving great results with minimal risk of complications. You can determine the best course of action by consulting with a hair transplant specialist, who can advise you on the best procedure.