Whether you are coworking in the same space or from several time zones away, the right app can make the process go smoothly. The key is to provide a service that keeps the group working in a low-cost or free environment. Users should be able to interact with each other and work on a project together. The best coworking apps allow users to interact and complete projects with nothing more than a laptop and wifi.


Asana lets you cowork remotely with anyone, anywhere. You can chat, work on projects, and share files. You can also store them in the platform. It is easy to organize projects by groups and to limit what each group can see. You can use a free version of Asana with limited features with small groups, or you can pay for three different levels of service.




Don’t let the name turn you away. This popular site is easy to maneuver through the different channels that allow for exceptional organization. You can chat with your group and work on documents together. It’s easy to share information and files while keeping them in the designated channel. Freelancers love this app and the mobile version is as easy to use as the desktop site. There are several tiers of membership, from the basic version to the enterprise option. There are monthly payment options so you only have to pay when you need it.


Cobot shows up at or near the top of almost every list of top coworking apps. This one not only lets you work with your team, but it also integrates seamlessly with other apps, including Slack. You can work on your projects, chat, create groups, and organize your financials. You can even customize Cobot so it looks like your personally branded website.


If you need something simple and intuitive, WorkFlowy is the app for you. It’s a list generator that lets you share tasks with your coworkers. It’s a good choice to use with other apps because your group can keep track of what needs to be done. This app is popular with tech giants who enjoy seeing their to-do list items happen. There is a free version that is popular with households, but coworkers who need to track large lists of items prefer the heftier options.


If you need to manage files, people, and events, Nexudus is the app for you. This one includes all of the same services that Slack and Asana offer, like chat spaces, shared files, and separate channels, but it also includes scheduling meeting spaces and events. It even lets you organize who is bringing snacks! You can also organize registration for those events and classes through Nexudus. It also integrates with over 50 payment sites like PayPal.

Nexudus also has options for managing WiFi and printing. You can also customize it for your branding. It’s a thorough site that lets you calculate your costs based on how many users will access your personal site.

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