Low Code and No Code App Development – Pros & Cons

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If you are a regular user of the digital space, you must have heard these two words, low code app development, and no code app development, being used by mobile app developers. You may begin to wonder how these two words would affect the world of app and software development in the nearest future.

For instance, before now, app creation is the sole business of developers. Companies or organizations will have to pay heavily to secure the service of an app builder. Small business owners without coding experience cannot have a website or app without employing a developer. But now, a business owner with little or no coding experience can create a mobile app without coding. They can generate apps without coding.

This has helped companies and organizations reduce the amount they spend on app creation. In the future, how will this new style of building app development without coding influence the world of software development in the foreseeable future?

This cannot be ascertained until we get the perfect definition of low code and no code app development.

What are Low Code and No Code?

Low code and no code are sometimes used interchangeably; nevertheless, they serve a different purpose. The central idea of these two platforms is to help app builders to make an app without coding. Organizations can build sophisticated mobile applications and websites with great user interfaces with little or no coding experience with these platforms.

Low code is a platform that enhances the creation of software or website with little coding experience. This method still requires that the app builder have a preliminary knowledge of coding or programming language. However, it is still very different from the conventional building apps, which require sophisticated expertise and prolific skills in writing codes.

No code platform allows organizations or business owners to build mobile applications and websites for their brand or business without a coding experience. The no code platform has helped app builders to make an app without coding. This has made app creation a more accessible and stress-free process because organizations can build an app without coding.

Is The Low Code or No Code Out-of-box Solutions?

One of the mistakes most business owners make is letting go of their team of software engineers simply because they have access to low code or no code platforms. It is essential to know that these platforms are not an all-in-one solution as there is still a need for the team of app builders to be trained.

The organization’s app development team still needs to be on the ground to train workers to use these platforms effectively. These platforms have sophisticated pre-made templates that can be used to create app and websites without coding experience. Nevertheless, it has its limitations. The no code platform makes use of the drag-and-drop approach. This requires the use of already made templates and boilerplate code to create an app without effort.

However, they will still need to understand the traditional coding knowledge for those who need a customized website or app. This is where you will need the team of software engineers. What these two platforms do is make the work easier.

Better still, if you don’t want something too serious or you are fine using the already made templates for your website creation, you can conveniently make use of the low code or no code platform. This means you can disband the team of software engineers working with your organization.

Pros and Cons

It has been predicted that in the year 2021, the low code technology market will expand beyond 23% in the world. This expansion will significantly influence the growth of app development all across the globe. Business owners would not have to go through the stress of employing the service of software engineers in the coming years.

Pros of Low Code and No Code Platforms

However, before we fully ascertain the future of these platforms in the coming years, let’s quickly analyze the strength of the platforms.

Organization Spend Less on Building App or Website.

One of the primary advantages of using the low code and no code platform is that it reduced companies’ spending on hiring developers or engineers to build applications and websites. This has also reduced the time organization spends on looking for good developers to employ. What causes a delay in creating a website is no cost but getting the right web design agent or software engineers.

With the low code or no code platforms, companies can kick start creating their website and application once they have their teams trained on how to use the forum.

Grant More Access to Small Businesses.

Also, these platforms have made the creation of websites and applications accessible to small business owners. Gone are the days when businesses can’t afford to have a website or application because of a low budget. These platforms are easy to use and relatively affordable for small business owners to have.

Review or Changes Can Be Made Faster.

Needless to say, that website or app review using the low code or no code platform is straightforward to do compare to the traditional means of site or app creation. A website or app built with any of these platforms can be quickly reviewed when the need arises. However, when the traditional means of app development are used, it can take longer than expected to build.

Sometimes, developers or software engineers may be fixed up with other jobs that will make the app’s review longer than expected. In comparison, this can be easily achieved via the use of low code or no code platforms.

Cons of Low Code and No Code Platforms

There is always an iota of weakness in every strength. While low code or no code platforms may appear to be an excellent and straightforward method to build an application, it also has its shortcomings. Some of these shortcomings include:

Developers will be out of job.

While many businesses and organizations take the development of low code or no code platforms as a pleasant development, software developers can’t share the same feeling. The more these two platforms gain more prominence; many the developers will be out of a job.

What is the essence of hiring a prolific developer whose bill is on high-end when another staff in the organization can create software without coding? Whereas this staff would still go home with the same salary at month-end. This would significantly decrease the need for developers in the coming years.

Companies and organizations would no longer have reasons to employ the service of an external body to take care of app development. This is because they can do the job almost as perfectly as a developer would do it.

Have some limitations.

Another shortcoming of these platforms is the limitation of their features. Because it exists on a series of pre-made templates, companies, and organizations, have limited choices, unlike traditional methods. There is no room for unique customization on the platform. This means that different companies and organizations might find it challenging to differentiate their app or website.

When an app is built using the traditional method, it allows the company to customize its app or website uniquely. With this, the identity of each organization is peculiar to them alone. However, this is not the same with using boilerplate and pre-made templates to build an app; identity might become a problem.

The cost might be a problem.

You may think you have found a treasure chest when you jump on this platform, whether through publicity or a diverse marketing medium. It is important to note that there is a cost attached to running these platforms.

Although it may not be as much as the cost of having an external app developer to do the job, the price is still attached to it, no matter how little. This might eventually be a problem for small businesses and organizations, the long run.

Final Thoughts

It is common knowledge that the traditional method of building apps will never go into extinction. This is because organizations often need to employ the service of an expert to get a complex and sophisticated application.

This is not to affirm that low code mobile app development is not an excellent method and would not be welcomed by many.

Interestingly, companies or organizations that want something fast with a low budget can always settle for low code app development. This will further give more prominence to the digital world as more low code-app builders will emerge.