5 Legitimate Ways to Make Money from Your Bedroom

make money from bedroom

Whether you’re a broke college student, a stay at home parent, or a thriving entrepreneur looking to make some extra cash, there are many ways for you to make money from home.

The problem is, with so many make money from home scams floating around the internet, it can be tough to discern between what’s legitimate and what’s not.

Luckily, we’re here to give you some real ideas for earning extra cash from home so you can chip away at debt or even make a full wage, all from the comfort of your bedroom.

So, let’s get started.

Take Online Surveys

Though you probably won’t get rich taking online surveys at home, if need to make a quick buck, this may be the route for you.

Just sign up for any number of online survey sites and get notified when by email when a new survey is available. Then, plop down in front of the TV and start taking them.

Some online survey sites won’t pay cash. Instead, they’ll reward you with gift vouchers, free products, and gift cards.

That said, any legitimate online survey site will be free to sign up on, have surveys for you to take, and will compensate you in some way.

Here are some of the most reputable online survey sites:

  • Survey Junkie. Create a profile, get matched for surveys, and get paid via PayPal or gift cards for the surveys you take.
  • Swagbucks. Get a free $10 bonus when you sign up with Swagbucks and earn free gift cards for over 200 brands after taking your surveys.
  • InboxDollars. Earn cold hard cash in exchange for taking surveys from home, and even get a $5 signup bonus.

Remember, not all survey sites are created equal. Some make cashing out nearly impossible and end up being a waste of time.

Make sure to do your research and only sign up for sites you know have a reputation for being legitimate sources of income.

Monetize Your Blog

If you really want to make money from home, you should work to monetize your blog.

Blogs are inexpensive and easy to get started. Not to mention, you have the potential to reach a broad audience base with a blog.

But there’s more to it than just writing about a topic you’re interested in.

In fact, here are the best ways to monetize a well-trafficked website and work towards becomes financially free:

  • Get Into Affiliate Marketing. Recommending products and services you stand by to your site visitors, and receiving an affiliate commission every time someone purchases your recommendation, is one of the best ways to make recurring monthly income.
  • Use Google AdSense. Let Google decide what ads your site visitors want to see when exploring your website. Then, when someone clicks on an ad that’s displaying on your site, you make money. It’s as simple as that.google adsense
  • Sell Direct Ad Space. If your blog sees enough daily traffic, you might be able to sell actual ad space on your website to people wanting to advertise their products and services to your site visitors. You can sell different size banner ads for varying lengths of time, and highlight those that are willing to pay premium prices for your blog’s retail space.

These are just some of the easiest ways to monetize your blog.

Depending on your resources, and the amount of time you have to invest, you can also monetize your website by creating a membership site, selling sponsored posts, or creating a paid directory. For a good example of the different ways you can work online check out Lifehacker Guy’s blog, he has been working online for 20 years.

Become a Virtual Assistant

Despite what you may think, physical offices are not the only ones in need of office assistants.

If you like to think of yourself as organized, proactive, and ready to work for someone from home, consider a job as a virtual assistant.

As a virtual assistant, you’ll be responsible for tasks such as:

  • Sorting and answering emails
  • Making travel accommodations
  • Handling the calendar of meetings, content, social media posting
  • Bookkeeping and database entries
  • Online research
  • Generating leads
  • And much more

If you’re new to being a virtual assistant, you can promote yourself on popular platforms such as Upwork or Zendesk to get started.

Then, as you find your worth increasing, you can use your website to highlight your skills and command more money.

Create a YouTube Channel

With video consumption increasing amongst those surfing the internet, there’s no better time to learn how to create a YouTube channel and make money from home than right now.

youtube channel

When it comes to creating a YouTube channel, and making money, you have many options:

  • Create reviews of products and services and get paid affiliate commissions
  • Build a following and display ads that make money on your channel
  • Teach people a skill, grow a following, and sell online courses
  • Sell your own products or services using your video content

No matter what type of YouTube videos you want to create, it’s important you add value to people’s lives and make an effort to stand out from the competition.

And always have a call to action telling people what the next steps are.

If you’re directing your YouTube visitors to an official website of yours that you take the time to automate as many site processes as possible to save time.

This way, you can focus on your video content instead.

Get Paid to Be Healthy

Getting healthy is no easy feat. After all, people struggle to eat right and fit enough fitness into their daily lives all the time.

But did you know some companies will pay you to get healthy?

If a fitter lifestyle is something that’s been on your mind, why not make some money while doing it.

For example, get paid to perform healthy activities like monitoring your steps, tracking your food, and even taking health surveys.

Using an app such as Achievement makes getting healthy and earning cash more accessible than ever. Just connect to the app and start earning points for healthy activities.

connect to app and earn points

For every 10,000 points you rack up, you’ll earn $10 in cold hard cash. And you’ll also live a happier, healthier life too!

Final Thoughts

Making money from the comfort of your bedroom is all the rage these days.

And rightfully so. Making a legitimate income from home offers you the flexibility to enjoy your life in a way that a corporate 9-5 job can’t.

Whether you want to pad your vacation fund, replace your day-to-day job, or do something a little in between, there are ways to make money from home.

You just have to know which avenues are scams and have enough ambition to put in a little hard work to reap major rewards.

But trust us, with a little due diligence you’ll find generating revenue to gain financial freedom easier than you think.

So, go ahead, give one of these ideas a try and see what kind of money you can make. You never know, you may just find a new career calling.