How to Generate New Leads in the Real Estate Industry: 6 Trade Secrets for Success

generate leads in real estate

The real estate industry has changed in recent years. Gone are the days when a realtor could sit back and wait for clients to come knocking on their door. The majority of buyers today start their search online, often with an agent in mind.

6 Ways to Generate Real Estate Leads

Real estate agents need to generate new leads to keep up with the competition. Therefore, here are six trade secrets you can use right now to get your name out there.

Create Targeted Listings 

Create listings that speak directly about what people who live or work nearby want from their home purchase. Include features like schools within walking distance or proximity to transportation hubs if it is relevant to your audience. If someone lives near a school but does not have children, they are likely not interested in that feature.


Networking is on the top list of the most effective marketing real estate tools. If you want to generate new leads, make sure that your name is out there as a realtor. Talk with other agents and ask about their strategies for generating leads or referrals from current clients. Reach out to businesses in the area, including schools, if they have any listings available through them online. Make friends with people at these organizations because this may lead to a valuable referral.

Looking at What Your Competition is Doing 

You can look at the marketing strategies of other agents in your area and see which you think would work best for you as well. See if any of their listings have been successful, or contact them directly about how they generate leads so that you can implement some similar tactics.

Social Media 

A lot of people are on social media, so take advantage of the opportunity to reach out to them through this platform. Create a Facebook page for your business and post listings regularly along with photos, descriptions, information about any open houses you might be hosting, or events relevant to homebuyers in the area. If you do not want to create a page for your business, you can also use this platform to post interesting facts about the area or upcoming events in order to get people interested.

Create Videos 

Videos are a great way to stand out because they are more engaging and interesting than just text or photos. People like seeing what you have to say in the form of videos. Therefore, create one for each listing that highlights its features and benefits in an exciting way.

Create Google My Business Account

A GMB account is the lifeline for modern businesses because it allows you to make a listing on Google Maps. Once your business has been added, people who search for local businesses can see the listings and contact you directly from their mobile devices.

Make sure your strategies are working together so that they do not compete with each other or leave gaps in your marketing strategy. Your marketing real estate tools should reflect your unique brand and mission so that you can stand out from the competition.

The real estate industry is changing and so must agents if they want to keep up with their competition. Implement these tips into your marketing strategy so that potential clients start finding you.