How to Become Vegan Slowly?

become vegan

Most people are switching to veganism as it is better for your health and environment. Do you want to become vegan and need to learn how to do it? It is challenging to shift from a meat-based to a plant-based diet in one go. Leaving the foods you love and replacing them with sustainable meals is a bigger challenge than you believe. However, it can become easier if you are strategic about your transition.

Before you shift to veganism, it is essential to do your research and see if you can smoothly transition. Becoming vegan is a slow process and cannot happen overnight. It requires a lot of courage, dedication, and purpose. If you want to become vegan, here is what you should do!

How to Smoothly Transition to Veganism?

There are many reasons why people become vegan, but there must be a purpose. Becoming a vegetarian for your health or the love of animals becomes so much easier. Once you know the purpose, you will get the dedication to execute your plan fully. Here are some steps to smoothly transition into veganism:

Don’t Do It Overnight

We often get inspired by people of different cultures and their eating habits. You can become Japanese by wearing a Japanese Kimono; the transition should be slow and steady. One of the people’s biggest mistakes when going vegetarian is doing it overnight.

Not all of us have the motivation and courage to level the foods we eat for years. People who transition into veganism slowly can sustain their lifestyle for longer. Don’t expect yourself to leave meat overnight or never touch dairy.

Start by slowly eliminating non-vegan foods from your diet. If you love to have whole-fat milk in your coffee, slowly replace it with nut milk. If you have meat thrice a week, cut it down to one to two times per week. The slower the transition, the more successful it will be.

Focus on The Purpose

A plant-based diet has many more benefits than you think; hence, research them. If you are wondering how to get rid of inflammation, veganism can be an answer. Having red meat can have an adverse effect on your digestive system. It can be way harder to digest food, making it complex to break down. If you become a vegetarian, it will be a great transition for your body and your mind.

To become vegetarian, you need to have a purpose of keeping yourself motivated. Ask yourself: why do you want to become vegan? You cannot become a vegetarian just because everyone around you is doing it; you must have a purpose and motivation to become vegan.

It can be because of your health, to promote sustainability, to impact the environment, or for the love of animals. Always remind yourself of the purpose whenever you crave meat or dairy. Purpose drives you to stay vegan and stops you from giving up; hence, you must find solid motivation.

Find Vegan Foods You Like

Some vegan foods may not suit you that much. Tomatoes and arthritis go hand in hand; hence, people with bone issues must avoid them. Finding vegan foods you like and wouldn’t mind eating daily is essential.

Becoming vegan is hard for people, especially with limited food options. If you are becoming vegan, you must find recipes you like beforehand. Start making vegan dishes and trying new recipes to build an extensive menu you will enjoy.

You can also contact people who are vegan to ask them about their journey. They can also tell you a few vegan recipes you might like. If you don’t have many vegan friends, you can always look for recipes and guidance online. There are a lot of social media pages and communities that help people become vegetarian.

Clean Out Your Pantry

Your food should be medicine and not the cause of your health issues. Most people become vegetarian because their existing food is not serving their health anymore. If you are becoming vegan, remember it is best for your health.

You cannot resist yourself if there are temptations around. Hence, it is essential to eliminate temptations to resist the urge. Make sure to clean your pantry before embarking on the journey to becoming a vegan. It would be helpful if you donated non-vegan foods to your pantry. If there is nothing non-vegan in your house, you are less likely to have it.

Go For Grocery Shopping

The first month of veganism is always the most challenging for people. In such times, removing all the distractions and foods that can tempt you is essential. You will not find a reason to eat non-vegetarian food if you have good vegetarian stuff in your pantry.

Hence, a shop for vegetarian food and filling your pantry with nutritious food is essential. Try to stock your fridge with healthy foods that have vegetarian food replacements. If you love vegan chicken, try to stock up on vegan chicken. Also, research vegan restaurants beforehand to have something to look forward to.

Learn To Forgive Yourself

Transitioning into veganism can be challenging, especially if you have had meat all your life. You can use social media to motivate yourself and follow groups that guide vegan people. Finding the right people and sources of motivation can help you stay on track. However, you can fall off the bandwagon and indulge when feeling weak. You should learn to forgive yourself in times like these and start fresh.

Final verdict

Becoming a vegan is challenging; it requires a lot of dedication and motivation. However, if you know your purpose and have enough self-control, you can walk on this journey. It is essential to find vegan foods you like and can make easily.