The journey can be both exhausting and exhilarating but the person who you meet and become at the end of the journey is the product of your self-discovery.
Yes, solo traveler means you go on a journey alone but the thing is, it’s an adventure meant to learn new things about yourself. You have the freedom and liberty to do whatever you want and go to places you’ve always dreamed of. It’s an exploration of your inner and one true self.
Get the most out of your solo adventure. Solo traveling is a liberating experience, don’t let mishaps and gaffes get in your way. While on your journey, avoid these common solo traveler mistakes at all costs.
1 Overpacking
Bear in mind that you’re traveling alone, no friend to assist you with your heavy luggage or backpack. Roaming around with a large luggage only draws attention to you and makes you appear more obviously an easy target tourist than a traveler.
Trim down your packing list and only pack the necessary items. No, don’t pack three different outfit sets for your 3-day stay in Hong Kong. Be a wise traveler. Only bring a reasonable size backpack/carry on to have more freedom and at ease when traveling.
2 Not sharing itinerary with family/friends
Sure and we understand that you want to keep your travel plans all to yourself. It’s dangerous to be alone especially in a city you’re unfamiliar with. Ever seen the film 127 Hours based on the life and experience of adventurer Aron Ralston? Yes, that’s what we want you to avoid.
3 Overspending
Running out of cash in your pocket is one of the most feared situations a solo traveler may find themselves in. Yes, the fine restaurants can be tempting but ask the locals, there’s no one better than them who knows where good foods are.
Only buy memorable and valuable souvenirs to remind you of your wondrous adventure. No need for luxurious souvenir items. Also, keep yourself from impulsive spending as it’s the quickest way to rob yourself your own money.
4 Not having backup plans
Whatever you do and wherever you are, always have backup plans; prepare plan B, C, D-Z if need be. Often times, your travel itinerary don’t get followed and certain changes need to be made. Just be ready for anything and have a backup plan. For instance, if anything goes wrong with your accommodation, be sure to research for your second best option.
5 Settling for unsafe accommodations
Just because you’re traveling solo doesn’t mean you need to settle for cheap and unsafe hostels. Sure it’s cheap and exciting to share a dorm with 10 other travelers but since you’re on your own, are you really comfortable to sleep with these strangers in a room?
Yes, you need to stick to your budget but your safety and security need to come first. Look for accommodations that are affordable yet still in a safe neighborhood and has positive reviews. More importantly, don’t tell anyone where you’re staying especially with people you’ve only met at bars. The only people who you need to tell where you’re staying are your immediate family and friends.
6 Not having travel insurance
When traveling solo, your best partner is a travel insurance. It’s shocking how other frequent travelers still ask why purchasing this is necessary. For one, it covers emergency medical expenses, baggage loss, flight/trip delay, stolen belongings and more. It’s best to say that travel insurance is a worthy expenditure.
7 Ignoring your instincts
Your internal instincts, under any circumstances, should never be ignored. Trust what you feel and be alert to your surroundings. If you see red flags, feel unsafe or uncomfortable, do not question your thoughts and bring yourself someplace else.
If you’re feeling suspicious of a person you’re with and place you plan on going, postpone it or leave without hesitation.
What additional solo travel tips you know? Leave a comment below and share it with us!
Chie is a writer for Geniale, a Skin Cancer and Medical Aesthetic Center that exists to achieve brilliance in cosmetic and QuickCash Australia which offers hassle-free cash loans services.