Human beings are not the only creatures with an endocannabinoid system – dogs, cats, birds, and even reptiles have been proven to possess an endocannabinoid system, which is present in virtually every of their body’s physiology – owing to its far-reaching medical health benefits.

Over hundreds to thousands of years, dogs have evolved to become ‘man’s best friend,’ a title that is well-deserved considering how important our pets are to so many of us. Unfortunately, what many of our pets eat is a far cry from their ancestral diet. Many experts believe dogs evolved to thrive on a diet comprised of 60% saturated fat – a crucial component utterly absent in most kibble and other types of dog food.

This fact, in combination with many other facts of modern life (environmental toxins, insufficient exercise, stress, etc.) causes many of our furry friends to come down with illnesses that the veterinarian may tell you is incurable, or requires a lifetime consumption of pharmaceutical drugs.

It comes as a relief then, that cannabidiol, or CBD, is emerging as an extremely promising, safe, and effective medicinal substance for pets. People the world over have found their pets experience rapid relief from issues like anxiety, social phobias, stress, pain, cancer, inflammation, general malaise, and much more after beginning a regimen of CBD oil.

Fortunately, many dogs naturally love the taste of hemp or cannabis oil, and no force feeding is required. However, even for those who have more finicky or picky pets, there are now dozens (if not more) of companies that produce CBD products that are specially formulated to be eaten and enjoyed by your canine or feline companion.

However, the question remains – how much CBD should your pet take? There is a definite sweet spot when it comes to CBD and cannabis products, as animals are generally much more sensitive to these types of products than humans, and an excessive dose can be overly tranquilizing – while too little will not provide the relief you desperately seek to offer via this plant medicine.

Finding the Right Dosage of CBD for Your Pet

In the CBD industry, experts generally recommend a starting your pet at .25mg to .5mg of CBD for every one pound of bodyweight.

Examples of conditions requiring a standard dose of .25mg per pound of bodyweight include: immune system maintenance, general old age complaints, allergies, appetite stimulation, stress, anxiety, digestive issues, nausea, minor aches and pains, and minor skin conditions.

Conditions demanding a stronger dose (.5mg per pound) include: severe arthritis, chronic pain, seizures, cancer, tumors, and severe anxiety.

According to review, it’s recommend dosing your pet once or twice a day at the absolute most.

See the table below for examples of dosages that correspond to your pet’s weight.

Your Pet’s Weight Standard Dose (0.25 mg for every pound of bodyweight) Heavy Dose (0.5 mg for every one pound of bodyweight)
2 lbs 0.5mg 1mg
4 lbs 1mg 2mg
6 lbs 1.5mg 3mg
8 lbs 2mg 4mg
10 lbs 2.5mg 5mg
12 lbs 3mg 6mg
14 lbs 3.5mg 7mg
16 lbs 4mg 8mg
18 lbs 4.5mg 9mg

As always, consult with your veterinarian or health care provider before embarking on any natural products regimen! May your pet live a long and wonderful life! By the way, keep your dog healthy with smart trash can.

Your dog is your best friend. It makes sense that you want your dog to have everything that he needs, including a suitable dog collars.

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