Why Apartment Managers Need Answering Services?


Are you overwhelmed by your duties as an apartment manager? The largest part of property managers is in charge of too many tasks while trying to keep both landlords and tenants satisfied. These professionals screen lessees, market apartments, fill vacancies, collect rent, and address emergencies and maintenance issues. Consequently, it’s virtually impossible for them to answer every incoming call from potential and current occupants.

Instead of listening to a bunch of voicemail messages, apartment managers are advised to enhance their telephone presence by hiring answering services. These operators take the responsibility of handling requests, taking messages, sharing community information and reminders, etc. Property managers can get familiar with commercial and residential call answering solutions in order to improve their customer service.

These are the main reasons for hiring such services.

Better time management

Apartment managers are known to be incredibly busy, handling the requests of both landlords and tenants while having a myriad of other tasks on their plate. Their hectic schedule involves screening tenants, scheduling showings, dealing with potential complaints, etc. Nevertheless, these professionals aren’t capable of answering every single call, hence letting voicemail handle the ones they cannot deal with.

Moreover, some property managers assign the answering services to a limited number of employees, but the focus on these workers isn’t solely on phone coverage. This duty is just one more task on their to-do lists, which means paying no special attention to handling tenants’ requests and complaints.

Nevertheless, hiring answering services exempts apartment managers from the responsibility to take phone calls when being extremely busy. By following the given instructions, operators will make sure no call is missed while allowing managers to attend to the multitude of other duties without feeling stressed or pressed for time.

Addressing maintenance issues

Another reason why property managers benefit from collaborating with an answering service is letting the operators address maintenance issues. These issues can be either emergency or routine, depending on the threat such problems pose to tenants and properties. Consequently, burst pipes, gas leaks, faulty HVAC systems, or flooding are considered an emergency due to their hazardous nature.

In contrast, a damaged window, faulty socket, or deteriorated flooring are classified as routine maintenance issues, as these aren’t critical to be handled momentarily. Click here to check out the most common types of maintenance tasks in rental properties. The role of operators is to discern between emergency and maintenance issues, which is sometimes more complicated than it seems.

Furthermore, apartment managers are supposed to provide answering service professionals with evaluation criteria to assist them in differentiating between emergency and routine issues. Also, they should be provided with protocols to follow in both types of situations. In the event of emergencies, operators get in touch with maintenance providers directly in order for repairmen to be immediately dispatched to a particular location.

When it comes to routine maintenance issues, operators gather the necessary information from tenants and notify apartment managers about these problems. Once the information is delivered, these professionals decide when to address the reported issues, preferably the following day.

Hiring an answering service to address maintenance issues represents the devotion of property managers to tenants. The operators can be contacted in the middle of the night, on holidays, and over the weekend, as emergencies can occur at the most inconvenient time. These services are crucial for the safety of tenants and the condition of rental properties.

Minimize vacancies

In order for an apartment manager to be successful in its job, he/she is expected to minimize vacancies as much as possible. It’s paramount for the stream of tenants to be ongoing, not stagnant. Therefore, these professionals spend plenty of time attracting and screening lessees, making appointments, collecting deposits, etc.

Now, you can also opt for a quality answering service for property management tasks that help site managers interact and respond to efficiently with customers.

Nevertheless, answering service operators are experts in making the process of moving in and moving out run smoothly. These professionals schedule showings and appointments on behalf of their executives in accordance with their availability. Although operators cannot assist their employers in collecting rent, they can at least remind lessees to make payments within the given deadline.

Moreover, answering service operators help tenants stay on top of the changes in their communities. They ensure all occupants are informed about the latest policy changes, as well as reminded about important aspects such as parking.

24/7 support

Another crucial reason why property managers require the assistance of answering services is the 24/7 support they provide to lessees. These operators deal with after-hour phone calls and evaluate the importance of every request by tenants. Unless it’s an emergency, operators will wait until the morning to notify their employers about the reported issues.

Apart from taking messages, answering service professionals are also trained in providing information to prospective lessees. For instance, they make sure prospects are informed about the basic features of the apartments, as well as their availability. Most importantly, occupants are provided with attention at any period of the day, regardless of the hour.

Better customer service

Customer service is of indispensable value to property management, given the cut-throat competition in this market. It’s paramount for prospective and existing lessees to be provided with attention and care, not left to voicemail. Answering service operators assist apartment managers in creating a good first impression so as to increase the chances of prospects becoming occupants. Now, you can also opt for a quality answering service for property management tasks that help site managers interact and respond to efficiently with customers.

Prospective tenants can be easily discouraged from not being able to get in touch with these professionals, as no one wants to hear the answering machine beep sound. Nevertheless, operators will never let any prospect or occupant leave a message on the voicemail. These service providers are trained in answering phone calls quickly and efficiently by handling all types of requests and inquiries. In the meantime, apartment managers are free to show vacant flats, collect rent, meet prospective lessees, etc.

Final word

In the world of property management, every call matters.

Hire an answering service for maximal availability!