5 On-Campus Jobs to Apply For Today [$$$ for College!]

on-campus jobs

Are you looking for a part-time job to work while you go to college? Read this! These on-campus jobs will help you pay the bills while you’re in school.

College tuition can add up quickly. Getting a degree is worth the cost because you’re following your dreams. But it’s still expensive.

From classes to books to food, it’s hard to make ends meet sometimes.

Getting a job can help you pay for some of the expenses. Extra money makes it possible for you to stay afloat while you pursue your goals. But oftentimes, it’s hard to fit a job into your schedule.

Luckily, there’s a solution!

Get a job on campus!

Working at your university is ideal because you already spend a lot of time there. Depending on the size of your campus, you may be able to walk from class to work in just a few minutes.

Finding a job at your school is easier than you think. Here are five unbeatable on-campus jobs to apply for today:

Alumni Center

Most colleges have an alumni center. They always need people to make phone calls and file paperwork.

If you don’t mind being on the phone and connecting with alumni, this position might be a good fit.

You may be in charge of asking for donations. You should be comfortable doing so. If not, you might want to apply for an administrative position.

Even if you’re great on the phone, calling strangers and asking for money can get stressful. Do your best to remain friendly and conversational. Hopefully, the person will respond well and offer to donate.

Although asking for money is hard, the funds go toward things like construction and scholarships. In other words, the donations will come back to you, or at least benefit students like you!

Website Manager

If you have the skills to build and manage a website, kudos to you. There are many on-campus organizations in need of a website manager.

It’ll take time to figure out exactly what type of website your department needs, so this will be a good learning experience.

During this time, you’ll improve your design skills as well as your people skills.

As you develop the site, you’ll also learn how to handle similar jobs in the future. And if there are a few hitches along the way, you can learn from your mistakes.

Building a website is an excellent skill to have, but like any job, there’s always more to learn. So, continue to freshen up your skills and figure out ways to enhance them.

As a web manager, you should stay current on digital marketing trends so you can create a relevant and trendy site. This is important because you’ll probably want to use the site in your portfolio when you apply for jobs after graduation.

Customer Service at the College Bookstore

Students need help finding books for their classes at the campus bookshop. That’s excellent news for you. Most campus bookstores hire students to work for them, especially at the beginning of the semester when textbooks are flying off the shelves.

Are you looking to earn extra money? Do you enjoy helping other students and faculty? Then apply for a job at the campus bookstore!

Working in retail, you’ll also be exposed to how inventory systems work. This experience can benefit you in many other job roles, from management to operations.

Plus, you might get an employee discount! So you’ll not only make money, but you’ll save money too!

Administrative Assistant

Many universities need administrative assistants. Faculty and staff often hire students to help them stay organized.

If you want to work as an administrative assistant, ask the head of your department if they know of any opportunities. They may be able to connect you with a position.

If your department isn’t hiring, head to the admissions office. They typically hire a few students each year to handle administrative work.

This type of job entails tasks like:

  • Filing
  • Sorting
  • Scheduling appointments
  • Answering the phone
  • Editing documents

It’s likely to be a low-stress job, especially if you like helping out and organizing things. You’ll probably meet other students and faculty, too, which can help you build your professional network.

Fitness Instructor

If your university has an on-campus fitness center and you happen to love yoga or Zumba, then you’re in luck. You may be able to work as a fitness instructor at your school!

Visit the fitness center and find out if they hire students as instructors. Ask what steps you should take to apply. You may have to get certified to teach, but it’s worth the effort.

Find out what types of classes are taught at the gym and what times they happen. To get a feel for how to run a class, join a few before applying. That’ll help you learn what it takes to be a good instructor.

Exercise is crucial to staying happy and healthy in college. But as a busy student, you may not have time to exercise, especially if you already have a part-time job.

By working in the campus fitness center, you can combine your job with your exercise time. Think about all those extra calories you’ll burn!

In Conclusion

Working on campus can prevent you from having to commute across town to get to work. Plus, your boss will understand that you have a busy class schedule, so they’ll be willing to schedule your hours around it.

No matter what, remember that school is your job right now. Your top priority should be to complete your assignments and ace your classes.

But, if you want to make some extra money to pay your bills while you pursue your education, start applying to positions. There’s no shortage of on-campus jobs out there!

Author Bio:

Jei Horca, Senior Business Manager for Alliance’s Northern California region, began his career 16 years ago as a Leasing Associate for Carmel Partners. He works closely with the team at Alvista at the Bridge to oversee operations and to make the apartment complex better every day.