10 Interior Design Tips To Refresh Your Home

interior decoration

Interior design breaths a soul into an otherwise dull space. It tends to make a setting more lively and functional. Regarding the decor, current experts in this field believe that it must focus on finding creative solutions while supporting the safety, health, and well-being of the residents.

Note that the term interior design is not a pompous expression anymore. Nowadays, people know the importance of having a properly designed environment. Whether it is the workplace or home, it should have a certain level of ambiance. A workplace that sticks to the motto and enhances motivation levels of the employees is better than the monotonous one.

And when it comes to interiors of your home, it should be warm and inviting. After all, home is a place where we all seek a retreat to unwind the stresses of the day. Let us tell you an interesting secret about home decor; it takes minimal effort and budget. Carry out some research and get your creative juices flowing. Also, things like Pinterest and interior design blogs are making things pretty accessible for all.

Decor Tips to Perk Up Your Homes

Change the walls

We do not mean it in a literal sense. Rather it means that you can paint all the walls or either of them. When going for this option, adhere to the rules. Like, if the room is small, you must use lighter colors to make it look wider.

You can even use wallpaper with unusual patterns, colors, and designs. A decorated wall tends to catch the eye of every person who enters the room. Plus it uplifts the outlook of the entire room.

Right mirror placement

Mirrors can create an optical illusion and make a small space look bigger. If you place them across the windows, it will expand the natural light pouring in. Or you can go for decorative mirrors to fill up the empty wall spaces in a room. As per the experts, the best placement of mirrors is in the center and at the height of 57 inches.

Invest in art

We must cut off the idea that art pieces are always going to burn a hole in our pockets. You can shop at bazaars and flea markets to find expressive yet affordable pieces of art. As the famous interior designer Albert Hadley once said, “Nothing comes cheap, but the educated eye will always spot very nice things for the least money.”

While art can surely spice up your space, it’s vital to know the basics such as it shouldn’t be too high. Instead, place it three to eight inches above the furniture. The blank wall between two pieces should be of moderate length.

Add some greenery

Strategic arrangement of plants is a brilliant way to make your home stand out. Placed in decorative panels and creative cuts, they can elevate the room in ways you cannot imagine. There are multiple possible plant additions that you can go for but make sure you stick by the rules. Greens cannot retain their freshness if you do not trim them regularly.

Mix textures and pieces

Don’t be afraid to go for the unusual. Instead of putting away that antique family desk in the basement, place it in the lounge.  You can also place a modern couch beside it. As long as the colors go together, there is no harm in mixing up the new and old.

Same goes for furniture, rugs, and pillows. Varied colors and patterns bring warmth to your living space. Meanwhile, make sure you take necessary precautions like using spray for bed bugs and conduct regular clean ups.

Rearrange the bookshelves

This is one of the most cherished corners of a home. It should be sophisticated and have minimal clutter. Interior experts recommend that you must place 60 percent of the books vertically and 40 percent horizontally.  Also, the horizontal books should be lower than the vertical ones.

You can always go for plants and decorative glass items on the shelves. This brings a soft touch and removes the boring elements from them.

Use different lights

Lighting design plays a key role in creating the right ambiance of a space. According to Kerry Vasquez, 90% of good design is the lighting.

Apart from the general lighting, interior designers use multiple other light sources to upgrade functionality and beauty.  Be careful about the intensity and color of the lights you are using. For instance, use dim and relaxing lights in the bedroom, as discussed in the article, Home Decoration Ideas for Mental Health.

Add some shine

Using eye-catching, shiny pieces is one of the most impeccable design ideas. Things like bronze furniture, crystal accessories, and decorative pieces of steel can be an impressive addition.

Install hardwood floors

Stylish and sleek hardwood flooring brings class to your home. Of course, you need to hire professionals for the installation of the flooring, and it’s going to be a heavy investment. This type of flooring is incredible, and it increases the monetary value of your home.

Use area rugs to soften the floors

Once you have installed the hardwood floors, you can further enhance them by using rugs. These add color, texture, and personality to your rooms.  There is a wide variety of rugs that you can find in the market. And you can even change the colors according to seasonal demands. Most of the pieces are washable and made of lovely cotton fabric.

Final Words

To sum it up, the aesthetics that we pick to place in our homes can have a substantial impact on our emotions, health, and overall personality. So whether it’s your new home or you’re looking for ideas to refurbish the look, opt for comfort and functionality above all.

We hope this list has inspired you to work on your interiors and lift the decor of your homes. Leave your thoughts in the comments section!