Did you know that over half of Americans have neglected a planned purchase due to poor customer service? Or that 33 percent of Americans say that one bad experience with customer support can lead them to change companies?

Clearly, the quality of your customer service can determine the destiny of your business.

That’s why choosing the right call center outsourcing partner is so significant. If you choose a call center outsourcing partner that doesn’t deliver top-notch customer service, your business could fall apart.

So, how do you make sure you choose the right call center?

Check out this guide to find out.

Figure Out What Type of Support You Need

First things first, you want to figure out what type of support your business needs.

For example, does your business need 24/7 phone support, or does it just need phone support during business hours? In addition to phone support, do you also need online chat support, emails answered, and appointment scheduling?

Before you look into hiring a call center, it’s very important that you figure out what your exact needs are. Otherwise, you could end up paying too much for a bunch of services you don’t need. Or even worse, you could end up not having enough coverage and selling your

customers short.

Company Culture

Before you hire a call center outsourcing partner, it’s also very important that you ask them about their company culture.

You can ask higher-ups at the call center about their culture, but the best way to truly learn about it is to visit the call center directly. This way, you can see for yourself whether or not the employees look happy, and you can talk directly with employees about how they view the company culture.

In the end, you want to find a company that values the same things your company values, and that will develop a partner relationship with your company instead of just a vendor relationship.

This way, your brand will be able to integrate seamlessly with theirs, and when customers get in contact with the call center, they won’t feel like they’re working with an entirely different company.

You can read this call center vs vendor experience article to learn more about the importance of sharing the same values as the call center you hire.

Check References and Ask to Speak With Current Clients

Once you know the exact type of support you need from an outsourced call center, you’ll want to start speaking directly to clients from these companies.

Ask clients how their partnership with their call center is going and whether or not they would recommend doing business with them.

You also want to make sure that the call center has worked with businesses that are in your industry. This proves that the call center is able to properly take care of customer interactions that your business will receive.

With these things in mind, it will be a lot easier to find the right call center outsourcing partner for your business. If you have any questions about finding the right partner, please let us know in the comments below!

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