Best Online Tools for Authors & Writers to Use in 2019


Most people get impressed when they go through a publication written by one of their favorite authors. However, you should never forget that authors work very hard to come up with successful publications. It is not easy to produce a quality publication because the targeted readers would expect everything including the grammar of written content.

If you have grammatical mistakes in your book, do not expect a lot of readers to take interest. When readers go through content with grammatical issues, they develop the perception that the author is not experienced. As a result, there is every chance that your publication would turn into failure. The easiest way to handle this is to perform Grammar Check of the work you write for your readers.

Mistakes identified in quick time

Using a quality grammar checker simply means that you do not have to put in any effort for proofreading. All you need to do is focus on the writing process. Authors do not have an easy routine by any means. When they are working on a book, they have very strict deadlines.

A lot of writing tasks have to be completed in a short duration. Considering this fact, a quality editing tool is necessary for them. Reputed authors who use these tools do not have to check each sentence before the book goes into publishing stage.

Use a Punctuation Tool

It is very simple to use a grammar checker tool. In few minutes, you would know about each error present in your content. For instance, if you have made ten mistakes related to tenses, each one of them would be shown on your screen. There is no need to search for errors and have a doubt that you have written grammatically incorrect content. Here is now these tools can be used.

  • When you are using a grammar checker, the written material can be checked in two ways. One way is that you can copy the content to be checked from the source and paste it in the search box. The tool would scan through the written material and show mistakes made. Once you know about the made mistakes, simply rectify them. After that, you can publish the content without any doubt.
  • The second option through which content can be proofread is document uploading. Quality tools allow you to upload documents in multiple formats. You can upload documents in word or PDF format.
  • There is no doubt that grammar checker tools carry an efficiency of 100%. This simply means that they do not skip errors. If you are not using one of these tools and relying on manual reading, there is every chance that you would skip errors. This is where the problem starts. If you have skipped a problem and the book gets published, the reader would view content with grammatical mistakes. This would obviously not leave a good impression on his mind. If a book has grammatical issues, the author would lose his reputation which is obviously not good.

Tools reduce effort needed

You can be rest assured that manual proofreading is a cumbersome and exhausting task. You need to put in all the required attention and go through each line. Even after putting in so much effort, there is always a chance that you may skip errors. The possibility is there because books comprise of several chapters which means that a lot of information has to be proofread. Thus, it is very much possible that you may overlook a paragraph that has grammar issues.

  • This issue is obviously not present if you are using a grammar checker tool. Technological applications meeting the highest standards are completely efficient. As a user, you do not have to worry about errors being skipped. Along with that, you do not need to put in any effort. Once the content is pasted, the tool would perform an end to end checking and you would not have to do anything in this relation. This actually eliminates all the effort which the user has to put in. All kinds of mistakes are identified by the grammar checker tool.

Using the Counter Tool

If you are a professional author, you would have word limits for each chapter or book section you are working on. For instance, consider that you are working on the introduction chapter and the maximum word count for the chapter can be 1000 words. How would you know that the word limit has been reached? The lengthy option of counting each word on your fingers is always there. However this option would make your quite tired. Other than that, you may make a mistake with the count so efficiency issues do exist.

If you have access to a high quality word counter tool, you can check the count at any time without putting any effort.

  • It is a technology dominated era and there are quality soft wares available for each purpose so you do not need to opt for manual word count. How does this tool work? First of all, you can upload content by pasting the text directly or opting for the document upload option. Most quality tools provide support for key formats including. Docx and PDF.
  • A word counter tool also highlights the characters written with and without spaces. This is a requirement for some authors who are drafting the chapters of their book. Along with that, you can get to know about the reading time which would be consumed by the reader. As an author, you should have a complete idea of the reading time as this would help you in modifying the content length of each chapter.

Summing It Up

With technological tools available for word counting, grammar checking and other tasks, things have become much simpler for professional writers. They do not have to put in extra effort and complete tasks manually. Using these tools helps in completing the tasks quickly and that too without making any errors. Technological tools do not make mistakes unlike humans.