The 5 Benefits of Using A Promo Video


Videos have undeniably taken over the digital world, with an estimate of over 60% of internet traffic generated by it. If you are managing a business that focuses on products and services, then you should familiarize yourself with promo videos. These types of videos are an easy way to connect with your customers and provide them information.

They have the capacity to not only let people viewers visualize your products but to attract new customers. You can seek the help of marketing professionals or create your own promo videos with the help of video makers. You may visit this link to get a rough idea of what a video maker looks like.

Most businesses and content creators already take advantage of promo videos with the help of online video makers. They can attest to the effectiveness of adding videos to your website or page for more engagement with viewers.

5 benefits of using a promo video for your brand

Promotional videos are meant to inform your target audiences of what your product is all about, but there are other benefits. These videos can be considered an investment as they can boost your conversion rates. And with businesses, a visitor that is converted into a potential customer is always a win.

It provides visibility online

Nowadays people spend a lot of their precious time online, browsing sites and scrolling through social media. An average person visits social media sites for up to 2 hours each day. Within that time frame, they could scroll through dozens of videos. Now imagine millions of people doing the same exact thing. For a fairly new brand, this is very exciting as this is an opportunity to get your products out there. Similarly, content creators also target these same people for their page or channel. Although their video content is focused on entertaining the viewers rather than promoting something.

Making your presence known in the online world is an effective way of growing your brand. You can have an amazing website, but that doesn’t matter if it is not visible to the general public. Promo video will help bridge that gap, and make sure your brand is known in the online world. Remember that search engines love video, and ranking high on search engines ensures your business is visible. Most social media sites and video search engines provide analytics to observe how well your videos are doing. Use this to your advantage to make the right adjustments if your videos are not performing as intended.

Provides a lot of information

Video ads contain information about your product or service, which helps give customers an idea about your brand. While it is mainly used as a marketing tool, it is also capable of giving details about your company. You can use this to provide the audience with the necessary information about your product. Promotional videos often contain frequently asked questions about the items you are selling.

Explainer videos are also one tool that online marketing experts use. Videos like this are commonly on the first page or your website’s homepage. It usually has instructive content that shares information that is easy to understand and share with others. They are typically short, engaging breakdowns of a bigger idea. They should be entertaining but not overwhelming, but most importantly they should contain information about your product. While this might be a new concept in terms of digital marketing, it is quickly gaining popularity among many industries.

Generates familiarity with your brand

Brand familiarity is a term used by marketing experts to describe how well consumers know your brand. Big-name companies have invested a lot of resources to get customers familiar with their brand. As a result, these companies are now household names and trusted by millions of people. An effective promo video will create this type of relationship with your customers. You just have to be consistent with your content to avoid confusion. Once customers are familiar with your product or service, they will start recommending it to their friends and family.

To make a promo video that will boost brand familiarity, start with the general content of your video. It must contain information like who you are, what you offer, and why you are offering this. Remember, chances are you have competitors selling the same exact thing as you are. Be familiar, let customers know why you are different and why you are better. Having a strong presence in the online world will create a positive impact on your company. So be sure to take some time to think about what you want to put on your promo video.

It helps build trust with viewers

Much like brand familiarity, promo videos also build trust with the viewers. It allows them to be a part of the conversation by letting them know that the video is for them. It lets them know that they are important and what they think matters to you. Building a relationship with the customers is one way to keep them loyal to your brand.

Once they start to trust your brand, customers are much more likely to share this product when asked. A strong video will make the audience feel like you are able to deliver on your promise. Even more so if they have tried out your product or service and met their expectations.

Increased customer engagement

A well-made promo video will leave customers curious and even interested in the product it is endorsing. Videos that have the perfect balance of information and visual appeal are a surefire way to engage viewers. Positive customer interactions often lead to conversion. And viewers converted into buyers is always a plus for a growing business.

A high-quality video will contain content with value and not just a breakdown of the products. Remember that you are here to share your products with the world, not to dictate what they should do. The safest way to do that is to keep your promotional videos informative rather than controlling.