Amazing Tips To Get Relief From Back Pain

rest in bed

In case you often have back pain, you are not getting the rest you want to work at your best daily. You may keep waking up achy and bleary-eyed, or you may make some modifications to lead to better, more active days.

The Global Burden of Disease study called lower back pain the primary cause of disability throughout the planet.

What is even more interesting is that back pain is not caused by severe medical conditions, such as arthritis or cancer. On the contrary, it’s often caused by stress or strain from poor posture, awkward sleeping positions, and other lifestyle habits.

Tips To Relieve Your Back Pain in Bed

Here are a few measures to take that may help you alleviate your back pain in bed and sleep comfortably.

Reduce Infection Through Diet and Exercise

If your joints are swelled from your everyday activity and eating habits, you are guaranteed to feel pain at night. Try eliminating or reducing  foods which cause inflammation such as processed breads and other carbohydrates, fried foods, carbonated drinks, and red meat, and instead aim to consume foods that help you sleep soundly and that fight inflammation like berries, almonds  fruit, leafy greens, olive oil and fatty fish such as salmon and tuna. You may not have knowledge that your morning back pain can be enhanced after just a few weeks of eating well.

Joints and Muscles which are stretched regularly may also help with pain levels when you are lying in bed, so try doing yoga many times each week. CBD oil is a great supplement to add into your daily routine as well.

Never Sleep On a Too Soft or Too Hard Mattress

A mattress that is too soft will cause your spine or hips to sag, and your spine to fall out of alignment that may result in significant pain. A mattress that is too firm will place excess pressure on your joints, mainly if you sleep on your side or your back. You require a bed that provides support, but that also shapes to your body to offer pressure relief and alleviate pain.

Keep Your Spine in Alignment With a Pillow

If you often wake up with lower back pain, it means your backbone was rotated throughout the evening. Side sleepers must put a cushion between their knees. People who sleep on their back must put a pillow behind the backs of your knees. And if you are a stomach sleeper, try putting a cushion below your lower abdomen and hips and another thin pillow under your head.

Know Which Level of Firmness Suits Your Spine

As you get older, your spine loses some of its flexibility. If you sleep on a soft mattress but have very little range of motion on your lower spine, your lower back won’t sag significantly as it does not have the free motion.

In case you’ve got significant mobility reduction of your spine and suffer from substantial spinal stiffness, a slightly softer mattress may work best for you.

Conversely though, when you have very loose joints; you’ll need a moderately firm mattress. If your bed is too hard, your lower back will stretch too much, but when it is too soft; your lower back will bend too much.

Set an Adjustable Base beneath Your Mattress

Sleeping in an incline can take plenty of pressure from your backbone, and so can raise the foot of the bed. An adjustable base enables you to use a remote to lift and lower your bed until you discover yourself in a position that feels great in your lower spine.

Try a Mattress Topper That May Offer Pressure Relief

If you are a side sleeper, a memory foam mattress pad fits your body shape to let your shoulders to sink while maintaining your spine in position. Back sleepers may also benefit from a fantastic foam mattress pad as it adheres to your lower spine.

Buy a Mattress Especially Made for Back Pain Relief

There’s no ideal way to sleep with lower back pain. The one thing you can do is change your daily habits, your sleeping posture, and your sleeping surface. When everything fails, buy a mattress for back pain relief. Nest Love & Sleep Mattress is one of such brands that offer special mattress for back pain.