Make sure to save this list to your bookmarks and check on it once in a while when writing your dissertation.

Issues with Formatting Problems

Students do not pay due attention to formatting and design issues. Failure to comply with the formatting and design standards always leads to disastrous results.

  • incorrect design of tables, graphs, diagrams, formulas;
  • the difference in the structure of chapters;
  • there are no references to tables, graphs, charts, formulas, applications in the text of the dissertation;
  • links to original sources do not contain page references;
  • no paragraph indents;
  • intervals between headings, subtitles and text are not maintained;
  • the title (subheading) of the paragraph and the text of the paragraph are placed on different pages;
  • applications do not have titles;
  • page numbers in the table of contents do not correspond to the page numbers in the text of the thesis;
  • the presence of unnumbered additional sub-headings (besides the titles of chapters and paragraphs) that are not referenced in the table of contents of the dissertation;
  • low level of proficiency in the scientific style of the language;
  • grammatical errors, unsuccessful stylistic turns, cumbersome sentences, indicating that the reading of the text of the dissertation was made superficially and formally.

Problems with Sources

The same goes for wrong selection of literature, the insufficient number of sources studied. This leads to the narrowness and limitations of the evidence base, casts doubt on the quality of the entire study. Information seems inaccurate, irrelevant or taken from dubious sources. A proof built on inaccurate information is often wrong, which means that the hypothesis will remain unproven.

Wrong Criteria Used When Selecting the Topic for Research

It is necessary to choose a topic for a thesis based on previous studies, own interests, and its relevance. The choice of an extensive topic, rather than specific issues to be studied, makes it difficult to carry out a qualitative directional study. Also, the choice of a topic, for the disclosure of which it is extremely difficult to find information or to conduct research, casts doubt on the result of the dissertation work.

Non-Compliance with the Time Allotted for Writing

Inability to organize work, which leads to loss of working ability, lack of time, incorrect construction of the study and constant amendments to the text of the dissertation. Inability to cooperate with the supervisor entails the ineffectiveness of consultation. It is very easy to misjudge the time needed to deal with a dissertation, as when you start it seems like you have all the time in the world, but it is not so. You don’t have time to procrastinate or make delays.

Insufficient Study of Theoretical Aspects

Or vice versa – an excessive concentration on the study of theoretical aspects with almost complete disregard for the features of their application in practice.

Overestimating Strength & Capabilities

At any stage, the applicant may be faced with the fact that he cannot or does not know how to continue the dissertation research. In this case, it is worth considering buying a dissertation, or its parts with a professional dissertation writing service available online. It is not an end of the world if you allow an expert to deal with a methodology section or literature review for you.

Extra Mistakes Typical for Dissertations

  • the title of the topic of the thesis is so wide and non-specific that it does not allow the graduate student (doctoral student) to formulate the results of scientific research clearly;
  • too general character of the title, in which the final result of the dissertation is lost;
  • terms in the title of the thesis are rarely used further in the text of the thesis or are absent further in the text;
  • the goal of the dissertation research is not specific, which does not allow to quantify the degree of its achievement further;
  • the narrowing of the scientific problem of research to the solution of private, purely applied problems;
  • overestimation of the dignity of the work, empty declaration of high theoretical significance against the background of the absence of scientific ideas put forward and new open scientific facts;
  • the applicant (graduate student, doctoral student) assesses the degree of novelty and reliability of the conclusions in the thesis without sufficient argumentation;
  • the theoretical significance of the results and the fact of their influence on scientific concepts in the studied area are poorly substantiated;
  • there is no comparative analysis of the proposed new solutions with existing ones;

Unfortunately, there is no chance you will be able to avoid all the listed mistakes, but using this list, you will be able to reduce them to a minimum. It is important to make sure your dissertation supervisor approves each significant step you check. Don’t neglect to proofread your final draft several times and look for some expert help when needed. Good luck!

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