Nowadays, Mobile App Development isn’t a problem anymore, but how to grow it is a big deal. The opinions of others do matter and assume a vital role in purchasing decisions of people whether their opinions are about gaming, movies, restaurants, or anything else. In case you have uploaded your apps on App Store (previously known as iTunes) and Google Play Store, then opinions and reviews are the factors that decide the app visibility in Search Results and how the app will be featured. In the modern era, app stores are fully loaded with millions of apps, and to stand out among them, you will request your friends and family members to leave you reviews on App Stores, as it may give your app the ranking boost it needs.

Surely, you would be familiar with or may have experienced earlier that app reviews are usually many times lower than the download numbers. Hence, it proves people don’t have time to share their opinion with others regarding the app they are using. Therefore, you might see a pop-up asking to leave a review when you are using the application or just about to close the screen. One thing you should keep in mind is that reviews don’t happen themselves, and you can’t expect thousands of people to come back to App Stores to write a review of your application. Only those people will return who have a bad experience to your app, probably, to write a review. Therefore, we jump in to help you along with the 5 best effective ways to get reviews for your application.

Low Reviews, Low Download Rate

Nowadays, before downloading or purchasing anything users prefer to read reviews to make any decision. Usually, they skip your app and avoid downloading it if they don’t find any reviews. Therefore, reviews are the key factor to the success of your app. If your app isn’t on Google Play Store and App store, then gaining the trust of users is a bit difficult. Because apps out of these two mentioned platforms can contain harmful files or viruses according to many users; therefore, users always prefer to download the application from a trustworthy platform.

How to Get App Reviews?

Getting a positive rating is crucial for the growth of your application and it may also increase the visibility on the search engine to get more downloads. Now, keep in mind no one has enough time for leaving a review after visiting the App Store; therefore, you should use App Review Plugins to get reviews within no time. Dozens of plugins are available and you can also Hire Dedicated Developers to get a custom one.

When to ask for Reviews?

Besides, it also does matter when to show a pop-up. It shouldn’t be too early or right after the user has downloaded the application as your user may get irritated or leave you bad reviews; therefore, the perfect time is to display the pop-up will be when the user about to leave your app.

Make Reviews as Easy as Possible

In the early days, users had to go to the App Store, find the targeted app, create an account, and fill the form to leave the review. It was quite annoying. Needless to say, all those resulted in fewer ratings. Nowadays, you don’t need to make the review process tricky as it can be done within a single click of users. You should prefer to ask for reviews inside the App itself, as everyone is doing the same.

Customer Service

The best way to get a good app review is to offer extraordinary customer service. Although it’s common for an application to add a button of “Send Feedback” that opens an email form, with a little more effort you can integrate Helpshift into your application and communicate with your users using an instant messaging window.

Helpshift offers you a web-based dashboard to interact with users directly from inside the app. Whenever a user needs your help, you can go way beyond an email form and deliver brilliant customer support using Helpshift.

Review Prompts

Reminding users to leave a review is a great way to fill your wall with positive ways, but for that, you must decide when to send the reminder. The majority of apps make the mistake of sending a request for reviews as the user opens the app.

Unfortunately, asking for reviews when the user launches the app may make a poor user experience and most users end up with the pop-up without leaving any review. The best way is to wait until the user completes the work or is about to close your app.

Tips for increasing App Reviews

We’ve compiled a list of tips to ensure you receive good reviews from your users. Follow the steps given below before asking for reviews:

  • Be Proactive
  • Ask for Reviews from Your Most Engaging Audience
  • Keep Negative Away from Your App
  • Set-up in-app Rating Request


Reviews won’t only improve your position in Search Results, but also convince people to download your app without any hassle. Having low reviews or negative ratings means a lack of visibility and low downloads. Therefore, adopt the latest technology and make use of Helpshift to answer the queries timely and make your customers/users happy.

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