After the pandemic, many businesses across the country have got used to adopting a remote or hybrid working model. There are many advantages to working in this kind of way, and many workers have gotten used to these benefits. However, as the threat of COVID-19 has subsided, many business owners are now thinking of asking their staff to come back to the office full-time. There are pros and cons to this decision, but there are several important factors to consider before finalising this choice.

Recruitment agency Attic Recruitment, offers the following advice and things to consider before asking your team to come back into the office full-time.


Studies have shown that in the UK, there was actually an increase in productivity when workers were told to stay at home full-time. Hybrid working also boasts productivity as well. So, if productivity is your main concern, working from home may not be the key issue.

This could be because many UK employees feel burnt out from office work, so by working from home they have more time at the start and end of the day to relax.

Those with children

An important thing to consider when it comes to full-time office work is that some employees will have children. As most people are aware of, childcare is an expensive cost, so with working from home, many people can stay at home with their children as they work.

As children have many breaks throughout the school year that we adults don’t, the option to work from home is a great benefit for parents in this situation. This way, they can take care of their older children whilst also being able to get tasks done throughout the day. This can cut costs down on childcare and allow for working parents to spend more time with their children.

Those with disabilities or mental health struggles

Hybrid or remote working is an accessible way of working for those with disabilities or mental health worries. Those with disabilities may not be able to come into the office for the required 9-5 hours, which can put them at a huge disadvantage. Similarly, those with mental health struggles may not be able to sit in an office all day, as this environment may not be positive for them.

Hybrid and remote working is much more accommodating than full time office work, which is something you need to consider when making your decision.

Consider the costs

As some companies went as far as closing their offices during the peak of the pandemic, many are now considering opening them again if they haven’t already. However, there are costs associated with running an office that you should consider.

There’s rent, office utilities, and maintenance that needs to be kept up to date when you run an office.

Overall, returning to the office full time is not a bad thing, for some teams it could be the best step forward. But it’s important to consider what kind of people your employees are, and maybe offer some hybrid working options for those who may need it.

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