Top 5 Translation Software for Legal Document Translation

translation software

One can work in different fields, such as engineering, arts, law, etc. While every field comes with challenges, the law is right up there regarding jobs with the most responsibilities. Often legal matters involve the pursuit of justice or the protection of one’s rights. This is why when it comes to translating legal documents, only the best and proven software must be used.

As the internet is filled with a lot of software claiming to provide the best legal document translations, we aim to make your lives easier by filtering through good and bad companies to provide you with the top translation software for legal documents. If this interests you, make sure to grab a notepad and note some good translation software options.

Top 5 Translation Software for Legal Document Translation

When dealing with legal matters affecting people from different countries, translation is often required. Several companies offer the best services, TranslationReport being one of the top translation providers. However, not all translation companies cover legal documents. Hence, you might want to consider this translation software.


This translation software is one of the best as it offers many features to users. It combines a dictionary with a search engine, so users can easily find words’ meanings. Aside from giving the literal meaning to phrases and words, this app also provides contextual meaning. This is great because, at times, the literal meaning of a word isn’t always the correct option. Also, if you doubt a translation, this software can provide you with translated documents when the word or phrase has been used before.


If you are part of a legal team that deals with clients from multiple countries, you’ll want to get Lingvo. What makes this one of the best translation software is that its app is supported on multiple platforms and contains many pre-installed translation libraries. You can get this app on Android, iOS, and even as a Chrome extension. This translation software supports 20 languages, including Chinese, Portuguese, Ukrainian, and more. Signing up is relatively easy and fast, as all that’s required are your name, email, and chosen password.


This app uses gettext and XLIFF to capture translatable content for you. You don’t have to worry about information being lost in translation, as Poedit has a number of comprehensive safety checks to prevent this. Also, collaboration with team members is quite easy as this software has built-in support for Crowdin. This powerful translation software is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. If you enjoy the free tier of this application, you can also consider going for the pro version.

Google Translate

This app is easily one of the best translation software, and it’s free. If you use an android phone, it sometimes even comes pre-installed. All you have to do is download the language you want to be translated and watch the magic happen. Google Translate, alongside Grab My Essay, can help you write your essays in more than 50 languages. However, if your interest is only in English, you can focus on just using Grab My Essay’s impressive catalog of writing services starting at $4.99.

Microsoft Translator

Like Google Translate, Microsoft offers its own translating software known as Bing Translator. It offers many of the translation services covered in this article but also includes additional features specifically for businesses. It also offers a free API, which makes it possible and affordable to include this software in other applications.

In Conclusion

Translating legal documents isn’t easy and, if not done correctly, can lead to real-world consequences. However, using any software listed in this article will set you up for success. If you enjoyed this article, consider sharing it with friends.