For whatever reason, you need to write an essay and you want to do a good job! First of all, good on you. Taking your writing seriously is admirable and for that, you have our respect. There are steps that you can take to be good at writing essays. By the end of this article and follow these steps, you cannot go wrong.
Let’s go!
Do Your Research
You are writing an essay on a topic that maybe you don’t fully understand so what is the only logical thing to do? Stop guessing and let me just tell you. It’s research. Research is the most vital part of writing an essay. How can you write on something that you, yourself don’t understand? Research is important because you need to back up what you’re saying.
The difference between opinion and fact is the backing up of peer-reviewed information. You need to review other people’s work in order to form your own understanding and opinion and to ensure that the things you say have legs. Research can help you form solid opinions and develop strong arguments.
Strong Outline and Proper Planning
The research is done and now it’s time to take the essay and break it down. Essays generally require multiple points in order to further the main overall concept. Your essay should be structured; introduction, body and conclusion. Think of the body of the essay like the actual body and how it has different body parts; it won’t be one solid paragraph it will be multiple structured paragraphs each of which argues a point in connection to the overall topic.
Write an Informative Introduction
The introduction to your essay is a vital essay writing step. Why? Because this is where you inform the reader of the topic or question and how you’re going to tackle it. It also gives you a home base, something to keep in mind when going forth to write the rest of your essay. You need to clearly state what the essay topic is and give a brief but effective analysis of what’s to come. This is the foundation of your essay, this is what you’re going to build the rest of the essay on and therefore you need to make it interesting and informative in order to get the reader invested in the content to follow.
If you are really stuck or pressed for time, you can always find an excellent essay writer for you.
Know How to Correctly Use Grammar and Be Selective with Words
A big problem with writing essays is knowing the basics of writing. Grammar is, unfortunately, something you can’t run away from. The legitimacy of your essay vanishes the moment the grammar is sub-par. Your argument and analysis can be brilliant but how much will the reader actually enjoy it when they keep noticing silly grammatical errors?
There are ways to combat this if language isn’t your strong suit, use online grammar assistants such as Grammarly. Also brushing up on basic rules of things such as; commas, question marks, semi-colons, quotation marks, parenthesis and full stops. Many people just throw grammar around and hope for the best, don’t be like those people. If you are in any doubt, you can always Google it.
Another big issue that can plague your essay is word choice. Conjunctions are usually frowned upon in essays so avoid the everyday conjunctions such as; it’s, isn’t, what’s, where’s, we’re, they’re, aren’t etc.
Wrapping It All Up
Wrapping up an essay can make or break it. People tend to remember the beginning and the end of an essay but the conclusion is the part that will stick in their mind the most.
You have presented an unbelievable argument or analyses of the topic you have written about; now it is time to wrap it up and put a bow on it. This is the point in the essay where you summarize your findings and give the answer to question or topic that made you write this essay in the first place. You need to now use the research, the points you have made and come to an answer to the question or your response to your findings. The body is what helps you get to your conclusion.
Now go and write an essay that will blow your readers away. Anybody can write an effective essay, so what’s stopping you?